James and The Giant Peach JR Audition Materials
Click below to access the music and monologue we’d like everyone to prepare for auditions. Before each audition session begins, our music director will play through the song as a refresher. Memorization is not required, but we do want to see you act through both pieces. Accents are optional—only use one if you’re comfortable. Our focus is on your acting ability!
Each auditionee must complete an audition form with important information to assist us in casting. Be sure to list any conflicts with auditions or show dates on the provided calendars. If you don’t complete the form in advance, no worries—we’ll have copies available on audition days. Parents and guardians, please assist students.
Audition Selection with Guide Vocals
Audition Selection withOUT Guide Vocals (accompaniment only)
Falsettos Audition Materials
About the Show:
Cresson Lake Playhouse is thrilled to announce auditions for Falsettos! Hilarious, heartbreaking, and utterly unique! Set in the 1970’s, it follows a neurotic Jewish man navigating the challenges of modern life as he attempts to create a blended family with his ex-wife, his son, and his new male partner Whizzer. Show dates are May 29th-June 1st.
Auditionees should be prepared with the selection(s) (listed below) for the role they wish to audition for. Please prepare all selections listed for the character of your choice. Rehearsal tracks are available for preparation- a live accompanist will be provided at the audition. Memorization is not required, but thorough preparation is encouraged. If you do not prepare a song, a selection will be taught to you at auditions.
If you are unable to attend general auditions, please contact Cresson Lake Playhouse at Cressonlakeplayhouseauditions@gmail.com to discuss an alternate accommodation. These will be honored only if feasible.
Please complete the linked audition form prior to attending your audition. If you are not able to complete this form in advance, please come to the audition prepared to list all conflicts through June 1, 2025.
Available Roles & Vocal Ranges:
Age ranges and genders are a suggestion, please audition for any role you would like to be considered for. All roles require the ability to perform choreographed movement.
Marvin: A devoted husband and father, smart, funny, and charming. Struggles to reconcile his desire for a happy, traditional family with his love for Whizzer. Strait-laced, quick to anger, but always well-intended. 30-40. High baritone. Must be comfortable acting as part of a same-sex couple.
Marvin Vocal Selections & Rehearsal Tracks: “What More Can I Say?”- m. 41-end/ “This Had Better Come to a Stop”- m. 11-35
Trina: Wife to Marvin, Mother to Jason. Charmingly neurotic in her effort to understand the conflicting feelings she has in the aftermath of her divorce. She consults Mendel, her husband’s psychiatrist, and eventually marries him. Worn out, frustrated, and craving more in her life. 30-40. Soprano/Belt.
Trina Vocal Selections & Rehearsal Tracks: “I’m Breaking Down”- m. 121-end / “Trina’s Song”- m. 4D-27
Whizzer: Extremely handsome, athletic, and confident. Has a tempestuous relationship with Marvin. Charmingly manipulative, promiscuous, and self-indulgent. 25-30. Tenor. Must be comfortable acting as part of a same-sex couple.
Whizzer Vocal Selection & Rehearsal Track: “The Games I Play”- m. 67-end
Mendel: Marvin’s psychiatrist who marries Trina and enters into her tumultuous life with her son, her ex, and her ex’s lover, while struggling with his own feelings. Neurotic, unapologetically unique, witty. 30-40. High baritone.
Mendel Vocal Selection & Rehearsal Track: “A Marriage Proposal”- m. 35-end
Charlotte: A dedicated doctor alarmed by the illness that is killing many of her male patients. Tough, but extremely nurturing, and very much in love with her partner, Cordelia. Concerned, serious, powerful. 25-40. Alto/Mezzo. Only in Act II. Must be comfortable acting as part of a same-sex couple.
Charlotte Vocal Selection & Rehearsal Track: “Something Bad Is Happening”- m. 3-45
Cordelia: Dr. Charlotte’s partner, she runs her own kosher catering business, is very keen on making a nice home but also wants to be useful and feel valued for her contribution to the world. Spunky, seemingly sunny, cautiously insecure. 25-30. High Belt. Only in Act II, will also have a cameo as ‘Caroline’ in “A Day in Falsettoland.” Must be comfortable acting as part of a same-sex couple.
Cordelia Vocal Selections & Rehearsal Tracks: “Something Bad Is Happening”- m. 46-60/ “Days Like This”- m. 28-43